
Darwinex ZUL


viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011

El orden es importante...III

Hoy la prima de riesgo de España ha alcazado a la de Italia.....¿o que nos creiamos? Ya comente, que ya quisieramos ser Italianos en produccion, creacion...incluso en reservas de oro (italia es el cuarto tenedor del mundo).......Portugal en breve saldra a la palestra y pondra en evidencia al sistema financiero Español, en otro tiempo, el "mejor sistema financiero del mundo".....permitanme que me ria, JA JA JA

I looked upon my native country's walls,
if once they were strong, now they were decayed,
fatigued by time's inevitable race,
by which their former valor now must fade.
I went out to the fields; I saw the sun
drink up the brooks now freed from winter's ice,
and cattle of the mountain grumbling,
which with its shadows stole from day the light.
I went into my house; I saw that, stained,
it was just rubble of an ancient room;
my walking stick, more bowed and bearing less.
I saw my sword was overcome with age,
and nothing left on which to fix my glance
that was not a reminder now of death.

tic tac tic tac GAME OVER. INSERT COIN
A little thing                     

1 comentario:

Little Thing dijo...

Thanks!! ;-)